8.6 Page information

BlueSpiceArticleInfo contains meta information about a content page.

Viewing the page information

The list of meta information about a page is displayed in the page information of the page tools.

quality management tools

The following information is available:

  • Last edit
  • Properties
  • Assignments
  • Expiry of the page
  • Authors
  • Readers
  • Reminder


In the config manager, you can change the update frequency for this information. Here, you choose Extension from the select menu and then BlueSpiceArticleInfo.

Settings in ConfigManager


BlueSpiceArticleInfo, together with BlueSpiceAuthors, BlueSpiceReaders, and BlueSpiceExtendedSearch is part of the Page information in the quality management tools.

  • Update interval in seconds: Sets the refresh rate for the "Last edit" value. By default, this date is updated every 10 seconds via JavaScript.
article info

Related info

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