This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Allows to filter content elements within a page  +
VisualEditor integration for inserting predefined content snippets  +
English description of ContentProvisioning  +
Allows users to mark pages as "approved" or "draft" and to view the most recent approved version of a page.  +
Copies new or existing wiki pages into a different wiki. (v3.2 and up)  +
Create user page for a user if it does not exist when the user logs in  +
Allows for importing and exporting the contents of a wiki's pages in XML and CSV form, using template calls to define the fields.  +
Provides date tools in VisualEditor  +
Integration of diagrams  +
Create lists of other articles based on their category, namespace, title, references or template usage and include contents or arguments of template calls of those articles into your page.  +
Provides an in-wiki notification system that can be used by other extensions.  +
Adds a parser function called #ev for embedding video clips from popular video sharing services.  +
Adds a parser function called #ev for embedding video clips from popular video sharing services.  +
File upload  +
Propagation of change events to a RESTful service.  +
Adds the GPL version of [ Sencha Inc. ExtJS Rich Internet Application Framework]  +
allows for using and displaying values retrieved from various sources: external URLs, local wiki pages and local files (in CSV, GFF, JSON and XML formats), database tables, and LDAP servers.  +
Inserts a field in Special:Specialpages to provide a search function.  +
Allows for article content management by editors and reviewers.  +
Allows customizing of the skin  +
No categories assignedEdit
