Last edited 6 months ago
by Hua Jing

2.2.7 Content droplets

Revision as of 15:46, 13 April 2023

ContentDroplets is available from BlueSpice 4.3.

To insert additional functionality in a wiki page, you can use Content droplets. Content droplets include tags, that were previously accessed from Insert > Magic word in the editor toolbar. They also provide access to some templates that are preconfigured in the wiki, such as message boxes.

Adding a droplet to a page

To add a droplet to a page:

  1. Click the Content droplets icon in the editor toolbar.
  2. Search for a droplet name in the search bar of the droplets menu or browse the droplets by category.
    droplet menu.png
  3. Select a droplet
  4. Click Insert.
Note:Some droplets open an inspector menu which contains another Insert button. Be sure to confirm that button as well.
Based on the type of droplet, you can continue with configuring the droplet as needed.

List of droplets

Droplet Description Inserts the following in the page source:
Attachments Area for organising attachments
Booklist List of books based on a filter value
BPMN diagram Editable BPMN diagram
Button Link that is styled as a button
Categorytree Selected categories are shown in a tree structure <categorytree>TestCat</categorytree>
Checkbox Checkbox that can be checked in view mode
Checklist List that allows to set a value in view mode
Chemical formula Display of chemical formulas <chem>H2O</chem>
Circled number Number in a circle with customizable color {{CircledNumber|bgColor=black|fgColor=yellow|number=180}}
Code Highlighted section for code examples
Create page Form field for predefined page creation {{CreateInput|alignment=left|buttonlabel=Create|placeholder=Enter page name}}
Number of pages Shows the number of pages
Number of users Shows the number of all users
Number of files Shows the number of all uploaded files
Number of characters Shows the number of characters or words in a wiki page
Data query Enables queries on content in the wiki
Decision Highlights a decision as a page property
Diagram Editable diagram
Gallery Displays an image gallery



Icon Inserts an icon
Important Message Adds colored panel for a important note
Inputbox Form field for predefined page creation
Map Locations can be marked on the map {{Map|Munich ~ Hello there!|Munich, Germany}}
Mathematical formula Display of mathematical formulas <math>\tfrac{2}{4}</math>
Modal button Configurable button which opens a customizable modal dialogue
New users List of new users in the wiki
Message Adds text panel {{Textbox|boxtype=neutral|header=|text=SDadad|icon=no}}
Note Message Adds colored panel for a note {{Textbox|boxtype=note|header=|text=sfsadfasfdsdaf|icon=yes}}
Page access Restricts access to the page to the specified groups
Visited pages List with visited pages
PDF page break Forces a page break at the set position during PDF export
PDF link Link that downloads another wiki page as PDF {{PDFLink|page=Main Page|template=BlueSpice|label=PDF Link}}
PDF no export Content within this section is excluded from the PDF export
Pros and cons Table for comparing pros and cons
Progress Visualizes progress against given measurement variables
Recent changes List of recently changed pages
Signature A button to add signatures in view mode
User profile an user profile will be included on this page
Subpages List of the subpages of a wiki page
Success Message Adds colored panel for a success note
Tag cloud Tag cloud based on categories or search queries
Search field Adds a search field to the page content
Tip Message Adds colored panel for a tip
Most visited pages List of the most visited wiki pages
Member list Member list of selectable groups
Video Embeds video from different platforms <embedvideo service="youtube">JILEkPu61Ao</embedvideo>
Warning Message Adds colored panel for a warning note
Watchlist Latest changes to pages included in the watch list
Links to this page List of pages that link to this page
Number of users logged in Number of currently logged in users
List of users logged in Pop-up with a list of all users that are currently logged in

To submit feedback about this documentation, visit our community forum.