Generate page lists (smart lists)

The extension SmartList allows to insert a list of pages in a wiki page using the tags smartlist, newbies, or toplist. The selection criteria can be set using a dialog box.

Available tags

The extension SmartList includes three different tags:

  • <bs:smartlist /> / <recentchanges /> - display a list of pages that were edited in the last 90 days. It can be filtered by namespaces or categories.
    • Different modes are possible if the <bs:smartlist /> tag is added in source edit mode.
  • <bs:newbies /> - display a list of recently registered users.
  • <bs:toplist /> - display a list of most visited pages.

The tags can be added as content droplets.   v4.3+. Earlier BlueSpice versions contained the menu item Insert > Magic word in VisualEditor.   -v4.3


The <bs:smartlist /> tag shows a list of recently changed pages (<90 days) by default.

The list can be inserted in source edit mode or as the content droplet "Recent changes", in which case it is inserted as <recentchanges /> tag in the page source.  v4.3+

"recent changes" droplets inspector in page edit mode.
Options of the content droplet "Recent changes"

In source edit mode, the smartlist tag (not the recentchanges tag!) additionally accepts the parameter mode with the following values:

  • mode=stablepages
  • mode=whatlinkshere


The SmartList inspector allows to set the following parameters:

Label Parameter Values Description


count number

The number of articles to be shown. Default value: 5


ns number or name

Only articles from given namespace will be listed. The namespaces can be entered by IDs or by names. Several namespaces can be separated with commas: ns="0,2,5" or ns="Help,User,Test". Default: All namespaces are included.

Note: Only content namespaces are included in the list.


cat name

Only articles from given category will be listed. Selecting several categories is not possible. Default: All categories.

Category mode

catmode AND, OR

Show pages if they are in at least one of the categories (OR) or show pages if they are tagged with all categories (AND).

Show minor

minor true, false

Minor changes (changes marked with an "m" in the recent changes) will not be listed. Default: Minor changes are listed.


period -, month, week, day

Only changes within given period are shown. Default: No limit is set (full 90 days are shown).

Show only new articles

new true, false

Only new pages will be listed. Default: All pages are shown

Heading heading text Adds a heading above the list
Sort by sort Title, Time Sort results by title or by latest edited.
Sort order order asc, desc Ascending or descending sort order.


trim number

Long article names are not cropped. Default: The title is cut off after 30 characters.

Show text

showtext true, false

With this option, a line of the article contents will be shown alongside the title.

Trim text

trimtext number

"trimtext" sets the number of characters of an article's content shown. This is only relevant when showtext="true"). Note: trimtext="0" is not possible.

Show namespaces showns true, false If true, the namespace prefix is shown with the page names.
Number with text numwithtext number Anzahl der Artikel die mit Einführungstext angezeigt werden sollen. Nur effektiv wenn showtext=true
Meta meta true The username and date for the last edit are shown.
Target target - Obsolete

Exclude namespace(s)

excludens number or name

Articles from given namespaces will not be shown. The namespaces can be entered by IDs or by names (comma-separated). Default: All namespaces are included.

Wikitext editing

Here you see a syntax example with some parameters. These can only be added in source edit mode.

15 of the pages from the category ISO9001 that were changed in the last 90 days are displayed in alphabetical order.

<bs:smartlist sort="title" cat="ISO9001" count="15" heading="Pages about ISO 9001" / >

If the approval feature is activated, the list can be set to include the latest approved pages (instead of edited pages:

<bs:smartlist period="week" sort=" time" showns="0" mode="stablepages" count="8" />

Alternatively, the smartlist can also display a list of pages that link to a wiki page. The corresponding page name is specified as target:

<bs:smartlist mode="whatlinkshere" target="Main Page" />


The tag <bs:newbies /> shows recently registered wiki users.

The list can be inserted as the content droplet "New users".  v4.3+


Label Parameter Values Description

Count - count

The number of users to be shown; the default value is 10.

Example in wikicode

<bs:newbies count="7"/>


This tag shows a list of the most visited pages.

The list can be inserted as the content droplet "Most visited pages".  v4.3+


Label Paramter Values Description


count number

The number of articles to be shown; the default value is 10.


ns text, text

Only articles from these namespace will be shown. You can put several namespaces here, separated by commas.


cat text, text

Only articles from this category will be shown. You can put several categories here, separated by commas.


period month, alltime

The period that should be used. The default is alltime.

Example in wikicode

<bs:toplist count="7" ns="Help|QM" />

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