
Extension: BlueSpiceInsertMagic

all extensions


Adds a dialog allowing the insertion of magic words and tags

State: stable Dependency: BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License: GPL-3.0-only
Type: BlueSpice Category: Editor
Edition: BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice free, BlueSpice farm, BlueSpice cloud Version: 4.1- 4.2.x


InsertMagic provides a dialog for inserting Magic Words in VisualEditor.

You can open the dialog box in visual and source editing modes from the editing toolbar. A selection of tags and magic words is offered. After inserting a tag on the page, further paramaters can be set.

Technical Information

This information applies to BlueSpice 4. Technical details for BlueSpice cloud can differ in some cases.


  • MediaWiki: 1.35.0
  • BlueSpiceFoundation: 4.0

Integrates into

  • VisualEditor

Special pages

API Modules

  • bs-insertmagic-data-store
