4.2 User menu

Revision as of 11:19, 20 March 2023 by Margit Link-Rodrigue (talk | contribs)
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Users can customize their personal navigation menu. The mega menu can be opened by clicking on the profile picture in the top toolbar. The user menu consists of two sections: Customizable links and Personal tools. Only the customizable links can be edited.

user menu
user menu

By default, the menu shows the following information:

  • Pages visited (widget PAGESVISITED)
  • My edits (widget YOUREDITS)

These widgets can be removed individually when a user customizes the sidebar.

Visual edit mode

Visual menu editor is available from BlueSpice 4.2.

Click Edit user menu to switch to edit mode.

To add a new menu heading:

  1. Click Add new element.
  2. Enter the text for your menu header. In a multilingual wiki, you can also enter a message key.

Adding links in source editing mode

The syntax used to define the sidebar corresponds to the main navigation. Entries starting with a single star ("*") create menu headings or sections while entries with two stars ("**") create links.

* My bookmarks
** Wiki_Page1|Label
** https://externallink.com|Label

Related info

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