
Revision as of 10:37, 24 October 2022 by Margit Link-Rodrigue (talk | contribs)
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BlueSpice Layout

The user interface is divided into distinct areas that group various wiki functions in a meaningful way. Here you get an overview of all features of the standard skin "Discovery".

Main areas of the "Discovery" skin
Main areas of the "Discovery" skin
Bereich Beschreibung
1-Header bar Contains important elements such as the logo area, the search field and the buttons for various navigation menus (mega menus).
2-Main navigation The "heart" of the site organization. The navigation links can be customized by admin users. This area also displays the book navigation.
3-Page tools Contains all the actions that can be performed on a page. In addition, information such as the version history or the page information can be accessed from here.
4-Work area All content is created and edited here. The work area is divided into the title area and the actual page content.
5-Page appendix Additional information such as category membership, discussions and attachments are displayed in the supplementary area. In addition, page recommendations and ratings are displayed if they are activated for the page.
6-Footer The footer contains links to legal information as well as to external websites relating to MediaWiki.

Header bar

The header contains important elements such as the logo area, the search field and the buttons for various navigation menus (mega menus).

Header bar
Header bar
Funktion Beschreibung
1a-Main navigation toggle Allows users to show and hide the main navigation.
1b-Logo The logo can be changed using the special page FlexiSkin.
1c-Search field Page titles that match the search expression are displayed in a quick menu while the search term is being entered. Pressing the Enter key takes you to the search center, which displays the results of a full-text search and allows filtering the results.
1d-"New content" button The "New" button allows to create a new page. A subpage can be created directly via the submenu or a new file can be uploaded. A multi-upload is only possible via theManual:Extension/ExtendedFileList.
1e-Custom menu Allows users with admin rights to create an additional mega menu. The button is only displayed once the additional menu has been created.
1f-Global actions Direct links to many special pages as well as administrative pages of the wiki.
1g-Language selection If a page includes links to pages in different versions via language codes that were defined in the Interwikilinks, a mega menu is shown for the language selection.
1h-User menu Users manage their own settings, tasks and notifications here. A red circle appears above the user avatar if unread notifications exist.
1i-Page tools toggle Allows users to show and hide the page tools of a page.

Main navigation

Links to the most important wiki pages are shown here. Administrators have the option to customize the main navigation.

Page tools

The page tools area contains all the actions that can be performed on a page. In addition, information such as the version history or the page information can be called up from here.

Page tools
Page tools
Funktion Beschreibung
3a-Standard actions Move, Copy, Delete, Refresh
3b-Extended actions Start a workflow, Set expiry, Set reminder, Set page assignments, Add to book
3c-Quick actions Export options, Share, Add to watchlist
3d-Page details Page history, Page information, Browse properties
3e-All actions Opens a dialog window, in which all possible actions on this page are listed.

Work area

Breadcrumb navigation

The breadcrumb navigation at the beginning of the work area consists of links that map the path of the current page:

Namespace (=root node) > Pagename > Subpage level 1 > ... > Subpage level x

Breadcrumb navigation
Breadcrumb navigation

If the page <namespace>:Main_Page (languae variations: de:Hauptseite / fr:Accueil / zh:首頁) exists, the root node links to that page.

If this page does not exist, the root node links to "All pages" (Special:Allpages) with the namespace selector preset to the respective namespace. If the root node should link to a different page (e.g., <namespace>:Portal), then this page needs to be redirected to the page <namespace>:Main_Page.

Page appendix

To hide the page appendix area, the following CSS rules can be added to the page MediaWiki:Common.css:

Hide entire area:

#data-after-content {display:none} /* Hide discussions and attachments */

Hide attachment only (only up to BlueSpice v4.1):

#social-stash-cnt {display:none} /* hide only attachements */

Hide discussions only:

#social-topics-cnt {display:none} /* hide only discussions */

The areas above can also be hidden by namespace, e.g.:

.ns-0 #data-after-content, .ns-3000 #data-after-content {display:none} /*Hide only in some namespaces*/


The footer contains links to legal information as well as to external websites relating to MediaWiki. The links to the legal information can be adjusted by wiki administrators via pages in the MediaWiki namespace.

To submit feedback about this documentation, visit our community forum.