Page info: authors

Revision as of 17:16, 20 May 2022 by Margit Link-Rodrigue (talk | contribs)
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BlueSpiceAuthors displays the profile images of the users who have contributed to a wiki page.

1. Page information

Authors of a page are listed on the Page information in the page tools. .

Page tools

2. Configuration

In the Config manager you can change if authors are shown on the Page information or not.

Config manager

2.1. Output

BlueSpiceAuthors, together with BlueSpiceArticleInfo and BlueSpiceReaders, is part of the Page information in the quality management tools.

  • Display authors: Show or hide authors on the page information page. This setting has no effect on the version history of a page.
Authors of page

Authors are listed in their role of original author or subsequent editor.

Related info

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