Risk management

This template set supports users who want to build and maintain a risk registry in the wiki. In addition to creating pages for risk planning, incidents can also be reported and (optionally) associated with existing risk entries.

You acquire the set directly via our sales department.

1. Included templates

This set contains the following templates:

  • Risk matrix:
    • Template that is embedded on all risk-related pages. A collapsible risk matrix helps to choose the appropriate risk factor.
  • Risk entry:
    • Form to create a new risk entry
    • Template for risk entries
    • Risk registry that lists all documented risks
  • Incident report:
    • Form to create a new incident report. Optionally, an incident can be associated with known risks.
    • Incident report template
    • Incident registry that lists all documented incidents

2. Import der Vorlage

Detailed instructions for importing and using the template set are included in the archive file (.zip) as a PDF.

3. Screenshots

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