Folder structure under Windows

1. Preface

Microsoft Windows distributes program installations and configurations, the Webroot under IIS etc. to various folders in the file system. Since BlueSpice is a web application based on PHP, it is not always easy to use the Windows default system paths in the application.

For this reason, we recommend creating your own folder structure for BlueSpice, all related data and additional program installations.

In the following we describe a proven folder structure. This is recommended by us.

2. Folder structure

In the following, "\bluespice\" is defined as the base directory for the installation in the root directory of the drive (e.g. C:\bluespice or D:\bluespice).

The folder structure is based on Unix operating systems:

├─ backup/           # for backups
├─ bin/              # for additional programs and own scripts
├─ etc/              # for configuration files
├─ opt/
│  └─ bluespice/
│     ├─ cache/         # BlueSpice cache
│     ├─ images/        # File uploads
│     └─ widgets/       # Rendered widgets
├─ tmp/              # Temporary files
└─ var/
   ├─ log/           # LOG files of the web server
   └─ www/           # Actual BlueSpice application

3. Folder names for program installations

When installing programs in \bluespice\, please make sure to install these programs in subfolders that do not contain special characters and/or spaces.

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