This page contains instructions for a patch update (e.g., from version 4.1.x to a higher version 4.1.x+).


First, you need to make a backup of your database:

mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > all_databases.sql

To make your code base more secure, save it to a secure location of your choice:

#Linux bash
cp -r codebase your_secure_place
# Win bash
xcopy codebase your_secure_place\ /E

Renew the code base

Unzip the archive (new Wiki version). Overwrite the old wiki code base with the new wiki version code:

#Linux bash
cp -r new_version_codebase old_version_codebase
rm -rf new_version_codebase
#Win bash
xcopy new_version_codebase old_version_codebase\ /E/H #path/ -  to tell xcopy that path is a directory.
rmdir new_version_codebase /Q/S

Local settings and data

Screenshot of the file structure of the cuted result

Compare local files and some manual made settings

The following files and folders contain local changes:

  • settings files
    • settings.d/ folder OR
    • all files that contain 'local.php' in settings.d/ folder
  • extension/BlueSpiceFoundation/config/ folder (only available until BlueSpice 4.2.x)  -v4.2.x
  • images/ folder
  • all LocalSettings.php files
    example screenshot of a list of LocalSettings.php files.

Copy from your backup Local files and some manual made settings

For a fast copy, use this bash command:

#Linux Bash
cd your_secure_place
cp -r images/ LocalSettings.* settings.d/ codebase/
cp -r /extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/config /codebase/extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/
#Win Bash
cd your_secure_place
for %I in (images/ LocalSettings.* settings.d/) do copy %I codebase/
for %I in (config/ data/) do copy %I codebase/extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/

Run the update

After all preparations are done and code base is overwritten, do the following steps:

  1. open a console and go to the installation folder (LocalSettings.php directory-level, see: right-image)
  2. enter the following command:
    php maintenance/update.php
Note:If you use Linux for your BlueSpice installation, please note that the file system permissions may be lost when overwriting the code base!

Check your current Version

Open the page Special:Version in your Wiki and check BlueSpice(Credits):

Version information on special page "Version"

If problems occur

To submit feedback about this documentation, visit our community forum.