This page contains instructions for a patch update (e.g., from version 4.1.x to a higher version 4.1.x+).

1. Back-up

First, you need to make a back-up of your database:

mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > all_databases.sql

To make your code base more secure, save it to a secure location of your choice:

#Linux bash
cp -r codebase your_secure_place
# Win bash
xcopy codebase your_secure_place\ /E

2. Renew the code base

Unzip the archive (new Wiki version). Overwrite the old wiki code base with the new wiki version code:

#Linux bash
cp -r new_version_codebase old_version_codebase
rm -rf new_version_codebase
#Win bash
xcopy new_version_codebase old_version_codebase\ /E/H #path/ -  to tell xcopy that path is a directory.
rmdir new_version_codebase /Q/S

3. Local settings and data

Screenshot of the file structure of the cuted result

3.1. Compare local files and some manual made settings

The following files and folders contain local changes:

  • skins/ folder
  • settings files
    • settings.d/ folder OR
    • all files that contain 'local.php' in settings.d/ folder
      screenshot of localMathPHP folder
  • extension/BlueSpiceFoundation/config/ folder
  • images/ folder
  • all LocalSettings.php files
    example screenshot of a list of LocalSettings.php files.

3.2. Copy from your backup Local files and some manual made settings

For a fast copy, use this bash command:

#Linux Bash
cd your_secure_place
cp -r images/ LocalSettings.* settings.d/ codebase/
cp -r /extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/config /codebase/extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/
#Win Bash
cd your_secure_place
for %I in (images/ LocalSettings.* settings.d/) do copy %I codebase/
for %I in (config/ data/) do copy %I codebase/extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/

4. Run the update

After all preparations are done and code base is overwritten, do the following steps:

  1. open a console and go to the installation folder (LocalSettings.php directory-level, see: right-image)
  2. enter the following command:
    php maintenance/update.php
Note:If you use Linux for your BlueSpice installation, please note that the file system permissions may be lost when overwriting the code base!

5. Check your current Version

Open the page Special:Version in your Wiki and check BlueSpice(Credits):

Version information on special page "Version"

6. If problems occur

To submit feedback about this documentation, visit our community forum.

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