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Even if every user can change his time zone himself in the user settings, BlueSpice sets the default time zone "Europe/Berlin" when the user first logs in. This document describes how to change this if necessary.

1. Tips for this Document

  • Please, read this manual completely and work through the single installation steps one after another.
  • For editing the configuration files with a text editor, the files must be saved in UTF-8 coding without BOM (Byte Order Mark).
  • The placeholder <installpath-bluespice> stands for the path to your BlueSpice installation, e.g C:\inetpub\wwwroot\bluespice (Windows regarding the documentation "Folder structure under Windows") or /var/www/bluespice (Linux).
  • The placeholder <tomcat-webapps stands for the path to the webapps directory of your Tomcat server, e.g C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps (Windows) or /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps (Linux).

2. Changing the Time Zone

Copy the file <installpath-bluespice>/settings.d/001-DefaultSettings.php to <installpath-bluespice>/settings.d/001-DefaultSettings.local.php and open it. In delivery stat, you can find these two lines there:

$wgLocaltimezone = 'Europe/Berlin';
$wgDefaultUserOptions['timecorrection'] = 'ZoneInfo|' . (date("I") ? 120 : 60) . '|Europe/Berlin';

Replace "Europe / Berlin" with your time zone. An overview of all possible time zones can be found in the official PHP documentation.
Save and close the file.

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