
Extension: BlueSpiceSocialTopics

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Topic and discussion entities for BlueSpiceSocial

State: stable Dependency: BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License: GPL-3.0-only
Type: BlueSpice Category: Communication
Edition: BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice farm, BlueSpice cloud Version: 4.1+


SocialTopics provides the SocialEntity types discussion and topic.

Warning!Pages in the namespaces SocialEntity and User are indexed by search engines by default until prior to version 3.1.13. If you run a public wiki with an earlier version, you should exclude these namespaces from being searchable unless you want these pages to be indexed by public search engines.

At the bottom of each content page, the social entities associated with the page are displayed, filtered by the topic type.

The discussion page is completely replaced by the page view of the SocialEntity type discussion. It displays a timeline that lists the social entities of type topic that belong to this discussion. In addition, free text can be entered at the beginning of the discussion page just like on a standard MediaWiki discussion page.

Technical Information

This information applies to BlueSpice 4. Technical details for BlueSpice cloud can differ in some cases.


  • MediaWiki: 1.39.0
  • BlueSpiceFoundation: 4.3

BlueSpiceSocial: 4.3

Integrates into

  • NotifyMe

Special pages

  • Topics


Name Description Role
social-topics Create and edit topics commenter, editor, admin, maintenanceadmin
social-topics-comment Comment on topics commenter, editor, admin, maintenanceadmin


Name Value
SocialTopicsTalkPageAutoCreate false
SocialTopicsTimelineAfterContentNamespaceBlackList array ( )
SocialTopicsTimelineAfterContentShow true

User options

Name Value
bs-social-topics-skipcreatedialog true

API Modules

  • bs-socialtopics-tasks


Entry fields for dialogs

Name DescriptionD Type Default value
discussiontitleid ID of the page to which the discussion topic belongs integer/choice field current discussion page
topictitle Title of the discussion topic str empty
text Content of the discussion topic WikiText or reduced VisualEditor; reduzierter parser scope empty

Behavior switch

Name Beschreibung
__NODISCUSSION__ Diskussionen werden auf der seite ausgeblendet


Name Description Type Default value Scope
bsgSocialTopicsTalkPageAutoCreate Discussion pages are automatically created with a new page. Activating this option si not recommended, because a lot of pages will be created. bool false ConfigManager
bsgSocialTopicsTimelineAfterContentNamespaceBlackList Determines in what namespaces the timeline with the latest discussion topics should not be shown. array
bsgSocialTopicsTimelineAfterContentShow Determines if the timeline with the latest discussion topics should be shown at the bottom of a page. bool true LocalSettings.php