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|HTML-color value. This includes [https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp color names] or generally [https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_schemes.asp HEX-values].
|HTML-color value. This includes [https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp color names] or generally [https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_schemes.asp HEX-values].

Revision as of 17:47, 18 November 2022

This template creates a set of images that is useful for linking to wiki pages.

Importing the template

The import file is included in the archive file HW-IamgeCards.zip. Unpack the zip file first.

On the page Special:Import follow these steps:

  1. Select file and choose HW-ImageCards.xml.
  2. Enter an Interwiki prefix. Since this field is required, simply add hw (for hallowelt).
  3. Keep the selection Import to default locations.
  4. Click Upload file...

The template is now available in your wiki.

Pages included in the import

The xml import creates the following files in your wiki:

  • Template:Image_cards
  • Template:Image_cards/start
  • Template:Image_cards/end
  • Template:Image_cards/styles.css

Adding image cards to a page

General considerations

  • Start and end templates: Each card set needs the start template (Image cards/start) and the end template (Image cards/emd). Make sure to add the end template right after the last image card without a line-break. If you have a line break, you will see some unnecessary space after the last card.
  • Card sizes: You can choose between medium (standard), small and large image cards. By default, standard cards are shown.
  • Images or icons: You can choose to create image cards or icon cards. Icon cards are only available in the sizes small and medium. If you want to uses images, you need to upload them to your wiki first.

See below for a complete list of available settings (template parameters).

Image cards

The easiest way to add card is to choose a starting layout from the examples provided on this page. Simply copy and paste the example code in source-editing mode into your page.

Important!Always paste any code using plaintext - Ctrl+Shift+v - in your wiki in source editing mode to avoid creating unnecessary tags which will break the view.

Standard-sized image cards

Standard-sized cards
Standard-sized cards

Code to copy:

{{Image cards/start|cardsize=}}
{{Image cards|imgname=yourimage1.jpg|label=London|imglink=https://google.de|alt=office in London headquarters}}
{{Image cards|imgname=yourimage2.jpg|label=Helsinki|imglink=http://google.de|alt=}}
{{Image cards|imgname=yourimage3.jpg|label=Madrid|imglink=Main Page|alt=}}
{{Image cards|imgname=yourimage4.jpg|label=Hamburg|imglink=Main Page|alt=}}
{{Image cards|imgname=yourimage5.jpg|label=Regensburg|imglink=|alt=}}{{Image cards/end}}

Large image cards

Large image cards
Large image cards

Code to copy:

{{Image cards/start|cardsize=large|flexwrap=wrap}}
{{Image cards|imgname=yourimage1.jpg|label=Sales & Marketing|imglink=Main Page}}
{{Image cards|imgname=yourimage2.jpg|label=IT Admin|imglink=Main Page}}
{{Image cards|imgname=yourimage3.jpg|label=Development|imglink=Main Page}}
{{Image cards|imgname=yourimage4.jpg|label=Tech Support|imglink=Main Page}}
{{Image cards|imgname=yourimage5.jpg|label=Accounting|imglink=Main Page}}
{{Image cards|imgname=yourimage6.jpg|label=Management|imglink=Main Page}}{{Image cards/end}}
Bootstrap icon name
Bootstrap icon name

Icon cards

For icon cards, you can use most current bootstrap icons. (BlueSpice includes Bootstrap icons v.)

On the bootstrap icons website, select an icon by clicking on it. Copy the name of the icon font into your template.

  • Icon cards support card sizes medium (standard) and small, but not large.

Icon cards
Icon cards

Code to copy:

{{Image cards/start|cardsize=}}
{{Image cards|iconname=bi bi-gear|iconcolor=Tomato|label=Processes|imglink=Main Page|alt=}}
{{Image cards|iconname=bi bi-lightbulb|label=How-to's|imglink=Main Page|alt=}}
{{Image cards|iconname=bi bi-eyeglasses|label=Knowledge base|imglink=https://google.de|alt=}}
{{Image cards|iconname=bi bi-signpost|label=Directories|imglink=Main Page|alt=}}
{{Image cards|iconname=bi bi-geo-alt|label=Locations|imglink=|alt=}}{{Image cards/end}}

Available settings


Parameter Value Description
  • medium (can stay empty, it is the default)
  • small
  • large
Sets the size of the individual cards
  • space-between (default)
Spreads the cards out evenly in the available space
  • flex-start
If there is a wrap to another line, the cards are left-aligned
  • nowrap (default)
Cards get smaller if many images are added to avoid wrapping
  • wrap
Cards keep their original size. Images that don't fit on the first row will move to the next row.

This setting should be used with cardsize=large.


Parameter Value Description
imgname e.g.:

myimage.jpg, myimage.png

Name of the image without a namespace prefix.

It needs to be blank or not present if icons are used instead of images.

label e.g.:


Label that is shown under the image/icon.
imglink e.g.:




Link to a wiki page or a website.

The link is optional.

alt e.g.:

office in London headquarters

Provided for assistive technologies of users who cannot see the image.

This is not necessary when using icons, since icons are loaded as background images only.

iconname e.g.:

bi bi-lightbulb

Used instead of imgname if icons are used as a visual.
iconcolor e.g.:



HTML-color value. This includes color names or generally HEX-values.

To submit feedback about this documentation, visit our community forum.