Admin Training 35026

Agenda Day 1

10 Introduction (5), Agenda
40 Configuration of the wiki:
  • Menus
  • FlexiSkin
  • Privacy settings
  • Configuration manager basics
60 Content structuring:
  • Namespaces
  • Categories
  • Subpages
5 Break
10 Quiz 1
20 Permission management:
  • Permission concept
  • Permission manager
    • Exclusive namespace permissions
    • Special case: "Read" permissions
35 Quality management:
  • Overview
  • Expiry
  • Page assignment
  • Reminder
30 Lunch
  • Approvals
  • Workflows
20 Tracking changes:
  • Recent changes page
  • Watchlist
  • Special pages: Wanted pages/files/categories
20 Blog function:
  • About BlueSpice social
  • Spezial page: Blog
  • Embedded Blogs / custom permissions
10 Quiz 2 / FAQ

Agenda Day 2

20 Wikitext:
  • Syntax examples, allowed HTML
  • Functions
15 Page templates:
  • Built-in templates
  • Creating a page template
  • Page templates manager
30 Templates:
  • Types of templates
  • Creating a simple infobox
  • Adding a template to a page template
  • Categorizing content with templates
  • Displaying page properties in a template
  • TemplateData and TemplateStyles
30 Template editor (Page Forms):
  • Creating a form for the infobox
  • Connecting template and form
  • Manually editing the form
5 Break
30 Smart lists
  • Basic smart list
  • Basic query droplet
  • SMW inline queries
  • DPL3 page lists
10 Quiz 3
30 Portal pages:
  • Use cases
  • Starter portal pages
  • Main page
30 Lunch
30 Miscellaneous:
  • Adding templates to droplets
  • Importing Word documents
  • Supporting the search
  • Books
  • Using SMW properties
  • Notifications
60 Customer topics / FAQ / Helpdesk