Data Transfer

Extension: Data Transfer

all extensions

Description: Allows for importing and exporting the contents of a wiki's pages in XML and CSV form, using template calls to define the fields.
State: stable Dependency: MediaWiki
Developer: Yaron Koren License: GPL v2+
Type: MediaWiki Category: Export
Edition: BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice Farm, BlueSpice Cloud Version: 4.1+
For more info, visit Mediawiki.


Test status: 2-testing complete
Checked for: Authoring tool
Last test date: 2022-10-10
WCAG level: AA
WCAG support: supports

Special page that allows to upload a spreadsheet. Form tested with screen reader.

Extension type: extended
Extension focus: admin

Please note that data transfer is not an ideal solution for securing your wiki or transferring wiki pages from one MediaWiki site to another. The pages "Special: Export" and "Special: Import" integrated in MediaWiki should be used for this purpose.
