1. Description

The SetTemplateParams activity allows automatic setting a template parameter on a wiki page.

  • Templates are accessed by the order of appearance on the page, starting at 0. Non-existing templates are counted as links, so they do not count in this list.
  • Parameters inside the template can be specified by their name or the index in case of non-named parameters.
  • Index for non-named params starts at 1 (not 0!), as to be consistent with how template params are accessed in the template itself.
  • Nested templates are currently not supported.

2. Profile

Short profile
Name SetTemplateParams
Async Yes
BPMN type bpmn:task
BPMN Extension Element "wf:type" set_template_param

3. Properties

Name of property Source Description Type
title UIActivity Name of the page where the template parameter is changed. If it will be changed on the page where the workflow runs, the value is {{FULLPAGENAME}} string
user UIActivity User that is shown in the revision history user
template-index InstructedActivity? Index of the template on the page (starting at 0) number
template- param Parameter to modify. This can be a string (in the case of a named parameter) or a number (in case of a non-named param; starting from 1, accessor for the parameter) int|string
value New value of the parameter, set by the workflow string
minor Marks the revision as a minor edit if set to 1 boolean
revisionId Sets a new page revision ID number
timestamp Sets the page revision timestamp timestamp
comment Comment that is shown in the revision history string

4. Example

4.1. Workflow task

This workflow task will set the value of the parameter {{{status|not set}}} to Updated on a page's first template.

<bpmn:task id="EditTemplate" name="Edit template">
		<bpmn:property name="title" default="Testpage" validation="required,existing-title"/>
		<bpmn:property name="user" default="WikiSysop" validation="existing-user"/>
		<!-- Index of the template on page (starting from 0) -->
		<bpmn:property name="template-index" default="0"/>
		<!-- Param to modify. Can be a string in case of named params, or a number, in case of non-named params (starting from 1, accessor for the param) -->
		<bpmn:property name="template-param" default="status"/>
		<!-- New value to set -->
		<bpmn:property name="value" default="Updated"/>
		<bpmn:property name="minor" default="0"/>

		<!-- Output properties -->
		<bpmn:property name="revisionId"/>
		<bpmn:property name="timestamp"/>


4.2. Template

The template content has the parameter {{{status}}} At the time of writing this, the workflow produced an error tif the parameter was wrapped in a <div> tag. Therefore, in the example below, the parameter is defined in a variable first. If the parameter is not in a div tag, using a variable is not necessary.

{{#vardefine:status|{{{status|not set}}}}}
<div style="background:#fbfaef;">Page status: {{#var:status}}</div>

4.3. Full bpmn example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bpmn:definitions xmlns:bpmn="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL" xmlns:wf="http://hallowelt.com/schema/bpmn/wf">
    <bpmn:process id="SetTemplateParams-Process" isExecutable="false">
                <wf:contextItem name="pageId"/>
        <bpmn:startEvent id="TheStart">
        <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="FromTheStartToEditTemplate" sourceRef="TheStart" targetRef="EditTemplate" />
        <bpmn:task id="EditTemplate" name="Edit template">
            <bpmn:property name="title" default="" validation="required,existing-title">{{FULLPAGENAME}}</bpmn:property>
            <bpmn:property name="user" default="WikiSysop" validation="existing-user">WikiSysop</bpmn:property>
            <!-- Index of the template on page (starting from 0) -->
            <bpmn:property name="template-index" default="0"/>
            <!-- Param to modify. Can be a string in case of named params, or a number, in case of non-named params (starting from 1, accessor for the param) -->
            <bpmn:property name="template-param" default="status"/>
            <!-- New value to set -->
            <bpmn:property name="value" default="Super edited param"/>
            <bpmn:property name="minor" default="1"/>
            <!-- Output properties -->
            <bpmn:property name="revisionId"/>
            <bpmn:property name="timestamp"/>
        <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="FromEditTemplateToTheEnd" sourceRef="EditTemplate" targetRef="TheEnd" />
        <bpmn:endEvent id="TheEnd">

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