Server configuration for CollabPads

Revision as of 18:06, 2 July 2024 by Margit Link-Rodrigue (talk | contribs) (Created page with " {{BSVersion|bsvFrom=4.5|bsvFeature=CollabPads}} Simultaneous editing of pages by multiple users requires some server preparation. For this, MongoDB must be installed. ==Install MongoDB== Install MongoDB [ according to the documentation your Linux distribution.] sudo systemctl start mongod sudo systemctl enable mongod ==Install php-mongodb== Check the path of your PHP version before you run: sudo apt...")
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CollabPads is available from BlueSpice 4.5.

Simultaneous editing of pages by multiple users requires some server preparation. For this, MongoDB must be installed.

Install MongoDB

Install MongoDB according to the documentation your Linux distribution.

sudo systemctl start mongod
sudo systemctl enable mongod

Install php-mongodb

Check the path of your PHP version before you run:

sudo apt install php-devel
sudo pecl install mongodb

echo "" >> /etc/php/8.2/cli/php.ini

Install CollabPadsBackendService

cd /opt
tar xzf CollabPadsBackend.tar.gz
cd CollabPadsBackend
cp config.example.php config.php
vim config.php

config.php an:


return [
	'server-id' => 'mediawiki-collabpads-backend',
	'ping-interval' => 25000,
	'ping-timeout' => 5000,
	'port' => 8099,                //The port you wish to use
	'request-ip' => '',  //The ip you want to open your service  
	'baseurl' => '', 
	'db-type' => 'mongo',
	'db-host' => '',   // your MongoDB-Host
	'db-port' => 27017,         // your MongoDB-Port
	'db-name' => 'collabpads',  // your MongoDB-DB-Name
	'db-user' => '',           // MongoDB-Username 
	'db-password' => '',       // MongoDB-Password
	'log-level' => 'INFO',
	'http-client-options' => []
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/collabpad.service


Description = BlueSpice-CollabpadsBackend
Type = simple
User = www-data
ExecStart =/usr/bin/php /opt/CollabpadsBackend/bin/server.php
StandardOutput = file:/var/log/apache2/collabpad.log
WantedBy =
sudo systemctl enable collabpad.service
sudo systemctl start collabpad.service

Configure Apache

Add the following lines to your rewrite rules:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}  ^/_collabpads          [NC]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} transport=websocket    [NC]
RewriteRule /(.*)           ws://$1 [P,L]

Restart apache2:

systemctl restart apache2

You should now be able to choose the editing mode Edit together.

Dropdown menu for the edit button with menu item 'Edit together'
Edit together

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