
Revision as of 11:51, 7 June 2024 by Margit Link-Rodrigue (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "BlueSpice Farm" to "BlueSpice farm")

1. Extension: FilterSpecialPages

all extensions

Description: Inserts a field in Special:Specialpages to provide a search function.
State: stable Dependency: BlueSpice
Developer: HalloWelt License: GPL v2+
Type: BlueSpice Category: Search and Navigation
Edition: BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice free, BlueSpice farm, BlueSpice Cloud"BlueSpice Cloud" is not in the list (BlueSpice free, BlueSpice free (deactivated), BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice pro (deactivated), BlueSpice farm, BlueSpice farm (deactivated), BlueSpice cloud, BlueSpice cloud (deactivated)) of allowed values for the "BSExtensionInfoEdition" property. Version: 4.1+
For more info, visit Mediawiki.

1.1. Accessibility

Test status: 2-testing complete
Checked for: Web
Last test date: 2022-08-04
WCAG level: AA
WCAG support: supports

Form field gets focus and it is easy to tab to the filtered links

Extension type: core
Extension focus: organizer

Quick access and less searching for special pages: The extension offers a search field at the special page "Specialpages". While typing a search string (e.g. "pages") only special pages with this search string in the title will be shown.


  • Enter: open page link if only one entry left.
  • Esc: Select input term.
