1. Providing input values from a (sub-) category

1.1. Using input type "tree"

(see official documentation: mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Page_Forms/Input_types#tree )

{{{field|doctype|input type=tree|top category=Document type|depth=1|hideroot|list}}}

Form display:

screenshot of category tree with one value selected
Field type tree

Example output of template parameter: doctype=Process

1.2. Using DPL query (dropdown)

(Solution found at: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension_talk:DynamicPageList3#Return_page_titles_as_plain_text?

 | doctype
 | input type=dropdown
 | values = {{#dpl: namespace = Category
 | category = Document type
 | mode = inline
 | format = ,¶%TITLE%,,
 | inlinetext = ,

Form field:

screenshot of the dropdown result for the dpl3 solution
values provided by dpl3 parser function

Example template output:


1.3. Using an SMW concept

Create the page Concept:Doctype with the following content:

 [[Subcategory of::Documenttype]][[Modification date::+]]
 |List of sub categories of the category Documenttype

Use this concept as the source for the values of your field:

{{{field|doctype|input type=dropdown|values from concept=doctype|mapping template=catConcept}}}

The above example uses the mapping template Template:catConcept to avoid showing the namespace prefix "Category:" in the dropdown. Create the template with the following content:


Although the category prefix is then not shown in the dropdown, the value the form passes to its associated template parameter still includes the namespace prefix.

Example template output:


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No categories assignedEdit
