
Revision as of 11:47, 7 June 2024 by Margit Link-Rodrigue (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "BlueSpice Farm" to "BlueSpice farm")

1. Extension: Validator

all extensions

Description: provides generic parameter handling support to other extensions.
State: stable Dependency: MediaWiki
Developer: Jeroen De Dauw License: GPL v2+
Type: MediaWiki Category: Infrastructure
Edition: BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice farm, BlueSpice Cloud"BlueSpice Cloud" is not in the list (BlueSpice free, BlueSpice free (deactivated), BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice pro (deactivated), BlueSpice farm, BlueSpice farm (deactivated), BlueSpice cloud, BlueSpice cloud (deactivated)) of allowed values for the "BSExtensionInfoEdition" property. Version: 4.1+
For more info, visit Mediawiki.

1.1. Features

Validator is a parameter processing framework that provides a way to declaratively define a set of parameters and how they should be processed. It can take such declarations together with a list of raw parameters and provide the processed values.

1.2. Accessibility

Test status: 2-testing complete
Last test date: 2022-08-05

Extension type: backend
