Lunch talk - multilingual wiki

Lunch talk: Multilingual wiki

Supporting a multilingual wiki

Mechanisms to support a multilingual wiki

"Smart" language switchers

Language support

options to define which languages are used in the wiki


a mechanism to automatically switch between the language versions of a page


a property that tracks the page language for each page (supported in BlueSpice pro)

fallback: categories track the page language (BlueSpice free)

Support for display title

needed for the subpage-technique

Switcher comparison

  • Languages: subpages
  • InterLanguages: unrelated pages

User language support


Category system

Multilingual categories

Further considerations

  • Ad-hoc on-page translation (DeepL) -> duplicate page to make translation permanent
  • Improvements to sidebar regarding language support
  • MediaWiki translation extension


Helpdesk EN: Multilingual wiki