
1. Extension: FlexiSkin

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Allows customizing of the skin

State: stable Dependency: MediaWiki
Developer: HalloWelt License: GPL-3.0-only
Type: MediaWiki Category: Skinning
Edition: BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice free, BlueSpice farm, BlueSpice cloud Version: 4.1+

1.1. Features

FlexiSkin allows you to customize the skin of your wiki. Choose between different colors or fonts and insert your own logo.

  • dedicated special page Special:Flexiskin
  • allows setting of various out of the box themes
  • allows definition of custom themes
  • fields with color picker
  • font type, size and color for headings and content
  • logo / favicon upload via drag&drop

1.2. Technical Information

This information applies to BlueSpice 4. Technical details for BlueSpice cloud can differ in some cases.

1.2.1. Requirements

  • MediaWiki: 1.39.0

1.2.2. Integrates into

  • FlexiSkin

1.2.3. Special pages

  • FlexiSkin

1.2.4. Permissions

Name Description Role
flexiskin-api Use the FlexiSkin APIs admin
flexiskin-viewspecialpage View special page to customizing the skin admin

1.2.5. Configuration

Name Value
FlexiSkinColorPresets array ( 'bluespice' => array ( 'colors/background/primary' => '#3e5389', 'colors/background/secondary' => '#ffffff', 'colors/background/tertiary' => '#d9d9d9', 'colors/background/quaternary' => '#999999', 'colors/foreground/primary' => '#ffffff', 'colors/foreground/secondary' => '#666666', 'colors/foreground/tertiary' => '#ffffff', 'colors/foreground/quaternary' => '#ffffff', ), 'turquoise' => array ( 'colors/background/primary' => '#1bbc9b', 'colors/background/secondary' => '#f5f5f5', 'colors/background/tertiary' => '#ffffff', 'colors/background/quaternary' => '#454545', 'colors/foreground/primary' => '#ffffff', 'colors/foreground/secondary' => '#454545', 'colors/foreground/tertiary' => '#1bbc9b', 'colors/foreground/quaternary' => '#ffffff', ), 'orange' => array ( 'colors/background/primary' => '#f4912c', 'colors/background/secondary' => '#4d4d4d', 'colors/background/tertiary' => '#f6f6f6', 'colors/background/quaternary' => '#dedede', 'colors/foreground/primary' => '#ffffff', 'colors/foreground/secondary' => '#ffffff', 'colors/foreground/tertiary' => '#4d4d4d', 'colors/foreground/quaternary' => '#4d4d4d', ), 'crimson' => array ( 'colors/background/primary' => '#bd0000', 'colors/background/secondary' => '#f6f6f6', 'colors/background/tertiary' => '#333333', 'colors/background/quaternary' => '#f6f6f6', 'colors/foreground/primary' => '#f6f6f6', 'colors/foreground/secondary' => '#333333', 'colors/foreground/tertiary' => '#bd0000', 'colors/foreground/quaternary' => '#333333', ), 'lime' => array ( 'colors/background/primary' => '#97bc00', 'colors/background/secondary' => '#e6e6e6', 'colors/background/tertiary' => '#f6f6f6', 'colors/background/quaternary' => '#97bc00', 'colors/foreground/primary' => '#ffffff', 'colors/foreground/secondary' => '#474747', 'colors/foreground/tertiary' => '#474747', 'colors/foreground/quaternary' => '#ffffff', ), 'turquoise dark' => array ( 'colors/background/primary' => '#4d4d4d', 'colors/background/secondary' => '#4d4d4d', 'colors/background/tertiary' => '#00adf1', 'colors/background/quaternary' => '#4d4d4d', 'colors/foreground/primary' => '#ffffff', 'colors/foreground/secondary' => '#ffffff', 'colors/foreground/tertiary' => '#4d4d4d', 'colors/foreground/quaternary' => '#ffffff', ), 'sunflower dark' => array ( 'colors/background/primary' => '#d9d9d9', 'colors/background/secondary' => '#d9d9d9', 'colors/background/tertiary' => '#fdce05', 'colors/background/quaternary' => '#353d40', 'colors/foreground/primary' => '#666666', 'colors/foreground/secondary' => '#666666', 'colors/foreground/tertiary' => '#ffffff', 'colors/foreground/quaternary' => '#ffffff', ), )

1.2.6. API Modules

  • flexiskin-activation
  • flexiskin-delete
  • flexiskin-preview
  • flexiskin-save

1.2.7. Hooks

1.3. Accessibility

Test status: 2-testing complete
Checked for: Authoring tool
Last test date: 2022-08-08
WCAG level: AA
WCAG support: supports

Save button can only be activated through tabbing. If it is "far away", it is useful to use browser's "find" functionality to focus on the button.

No screen reader testing, since here you set the color scheme and fonts for the skin. Vision seems to be a requirement to accomplish this.

Extension type: core
Extension focus: admin
