Revision as of 17:04, 19 June 2024 by Margit Link-Rodrigue (talk | contribs)
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This activity allows users from the group specified in the assigned_group (or assigned_users) property to provide feedback on the workflow. The feedback can be a comment, a rating, or both. The activity can be configured to require a minimum number of users to provide feedback before the workflow can continue. The actual number of required users is controlled by threshold properties.

Short profile
Name GroupFeedback
BPMN type bpmn:task
BPMN Extension Element "wf:type" group_feedback


Name of property Description Type
assigned_group Name of a wiki group string
assigned_users Individual user string
instructions Instructions provided to the assigned users string
comment Comment saved with this task string
due_date Task duration date
threshold_unit Number of users or percentage of assigned users string
threshold_value absolute number or percentage integer


<bpmn:task id="GroupFeedback" name="Group feedback">
		<!-- Can be substituted for `assigned_users` to defined a fixed set of assigned users, instead of a group -->
		<bpmn:property name="assigned_group">sysop</bpmn:property>

		<bpmn:property name="instructions"></bpmn:property>
		<bpmn:property name="comment"/>
		<bpmn:property name="users_feedbacks"/>
		<bpmn:property name="due_date">20221201101010</bpmn:property>
		<bpmn:property name="threshold_unit">user</bpmn:property>
		<bpmn:property name="threshold_value">2</bpmn:property>


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